Session A:

1) Ski Erg: 10 x 400m @ 85% – Rest 2:00

Perform this on the wattage setting and use that to pace appropriately. Pace Calculator HERE

Distance references if you are changing modalities HERE

Session B:

1) Deadlift:

8 @ 65%

6 @ 75%

4 @ 85%

4 @ 90%

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

2) Every :45 x 15 sets: 1 Power Snatch @ 60-80%

Keep the weights light and snappy, don’t lift anything that feels heavy.

3) Every :45 x 15 sets: 1 Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 60-80%

Keep the weights light and snappy, don’t lift anything that feels heavy.

4) Sumo Deadlift: 3 sets of 20

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Set dead on the ground each rep.

5) Cable Pull Throughs: 100 Reps

Pick a weight you can perform 40-50 reps to start.

6) Abmat Sit-ups: 100 Reps

Keep track of time and sets to complete.

7) Sled Drag: 6 x 50m

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible while moving unbroken.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE