* Clothing Order that will be placed Monday, 3/10, sign-up for what you want HERE.

** The Paleo Challenge is officially over. You need to weight in, ideally at the same time and in the same clothes you wore before. We will retest your benchmark workout on Monday 3/10. Results must be filled in by Tuesday, 3/11 @ 8 AM. After that time the spreadsheet will be locked if you don’t have your scores in than you are out of luck. Winners will be announced on Wednesday’s daily blog post (and if you want your winning’s you must pose for a photo op first :-). You are free to eat what you want starting Friday, but remember, the ultimate goal of the Paleo Challenge is for you to change your lifestyles, permanently, not just for 60 days. If you’ve done well, treat yourself, but don’t throw everything out the window now that it’s over.


1) Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats: Build to 70%

Take whatever time you need to warm-up to approximately 70% of your 1RM Snatch with a Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats. Don’t rush this, spend time on your mobility, positioning, etc. get yourself good and warm.

2) “Open 14.2” – 3 minute to complete – 2 rounds AQAP:

10 Overhead Squats 95/65

10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

If you complete the 2 rounds in 3 minutes then you get an additional 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of 12 + 12, but you may not start those two rounds until the clock hits 3:00. If you complete those 2 rounds in 3 minutes you get an additional 3 minutes to complete 2 rounds of 14 + 14, but you may not start those two rounds until the clock hits 6:00. Continue with this pattern until you can no longer complete the prescribed rounds in the 3 minute window. Your score is total reps.

3) Recovery: 15 minutes Row or Airdyne

Flush your legs out. Move at an easy, talking pace.

For results post detailed weights, results, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed.

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