1a) 0:00 – 3:00 – Every :45 x 4 sets:

2 Clean Pull +

2 Clean Hip Jump +

2 Tall Power Clean

Keep it light. Use this as warm-up and positional work.

1b) 3:00 – 6:00 – Every :45 x 4 sets:

2 Clean Pull +

2 Clean Hip Jump +

2 Tall Power Clean

Keep it light. Use this as warm-up and positional work.

1c) 7:00 – 17:00 – Every 1:15 x 8 sets:

Clean Pull +

Low Hang Power Clean +

Tempo Front Squat +

Low Hang Clean +

Tempo Front Squat

Start to build loading to a heavy complex for the day through these 8 sets.

2) Banded Speed Squats – Every 1:00s x 10 sets: 2 @ 50% + Band Tension

Use a light to moderate amount of band tension, something you can drive through and move fast. Keep the weight fixed for all sets.

3) “Open 20.4 Prep” – 15 minute EMOTM:

1 – 5 Box Jump + Step Down 24/20 + 4 T+G Clean and Jerks 95/65

2 – 5 Box Jump + Step Down 24/20 + 3 Clean and Jerks 135/85 (Drop and Reset)

3 – 6 Alternating Pistols + 2 Clean and Jerks 185/115 (Drop and Reset)

4 – 6 Alternating Pistols + 1 Clean and Jerk 225/145 

5 – Rest

Scale loads as needed depending on capacity.

4) Bike Erg – 10 sets of:

700m Moderate

300m Hard

Damper on 1 for entire piece. No reset between sets.

5) 4 rounds for Quality:

10 Swiss Ball “Stir the Pots” Clockwise/Counter Clockwise

5/side Airplanes

Take your time and focus on position.

6) 1 set of – 2 minutes Per Station:

A) Lax/Foam Roll Pecs Right/Left

B) Banded Lat/Tricep Stretch Right/Left

C) Couch Stretch Right/Left

D) Pigeon Stretch Right/Left

2 minutes on each side for each stretch.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE