Session A:

1) Every 3:00 x 7 sets: 10 T+G Power Clean

Start at a moderate weight and build as heavy as deemed fit. Goal here is true barbell cycling, no stopping at the shoulder, hang, or floor.

2) Every 3:00 x 7 sets:

3 Banded Back Squats @ 40% of 1RM + Band Tension +

5 Air Squat to Box Jump +

20 second Sprint on C2 Bike or Assault Bike

We will be working in partners or even groups of three  for this to share gear. Ideally we are looking to do this on the C2 Bike, standing, with the Damper at 10. If we’re short on C2 bikes for the class use an assault bike. Loading should not change on the Back Squat for all 7 sets, keep it fixed. Goal for the Back Squat is to work on standing up with maximal speed. Transition immediately to the plyometric movement, and then immediately to the bike. Banded Back Squats will be done with a single pin at the bottom of the rig, band attached from pin to barbell. For the plyo drill, perform an Air Squat and extend right into a box jump, step down and reset between reps. For the bands we are recommending the following…

Back Squat 1RM of…

50-100lbs Purple Band

100-200lbs Red Band

200-300lbs Blue Band

300-400lbs Green Band

400+lbs Green + Purple Band

2) AQAP:

150 Double-unders

50 Front Squats 135/95

25 Bar Facing Burpees

Scale as needed.

3) Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts: 4 sets of 10/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Perform all reps on 1 leg before switching to the other. Focus on position over loading.

4) Cable Hamstring Curls: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

5) Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

Session B:

1) Run – 5 sets of:

800m Run Easy

1 minute Rest

400m Run Moderate

30 seconds Rest

200m Run Hard

3 minutes Rest

Work for consistent outputs for each respective distance.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE