1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – 8 minute AMRAP:

5/side Single Arm Kettlebell Upright Row

10 Scapula Pull-ups

15 Banded “No Money’s”

30 seconds Ski/Bike/Row

Get some blood flowing, increase the intensity on the machine each round to get your cardiovascular system primed.

1b) 12:00 – 22:00 – Every 1:00 x 10 sets:

5 Strict Pull-ups


10 Burpees

Focus here is on understanding how to pace, and getting some Strict Pulling work under a little fatigue. Use band assistance as needed, stimulus we’re after is that all sets of the Pull-ups should be unbroken, we’re not looking for you to approach failure. Pick a Burpee quantity that you feel you can maintain. We’re looking for a total work output of around 40 seconds. This should be hard, and get you breathing, but you should not finish this tapped out at a max heart rate.

1c) 25:00 – 45:00 – 20 minute AMRAP:

10 Toes-to-bar

10 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows 70/50

10/8 Calories Ski/Bike/Row

Focus on your pacing and working to move at the highest consistent pace possible. Scale as needed.


2) Weightlifting – Prone Bench Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 10

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Load as deemed fit.

3) Gymnastics – Bar Pull-Overs: 5 sets of 5

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

4) Trunk – V-Ups: 4 sets of 15

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

5) Accessory – Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 4 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Moderate loading, not max effort, keep the movement strict.

6) Accessory – Rope Rows: 5 sets of 10

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add load as deemed fit. Put your feet on a box if you’re looking for increased difficulty.

7) Accessory – Active Supinated Ring Hang: 7 sets of 20-40 seconds

Rest 60 seconds between sets.

8) Pre-Hab – Every 1:00 x 12 sets:

Station 1 – 5/side Dumbbell Row w/3 second Negative

Station 2 – 10 PVC Pipe Lat Press Down in Hollow Position

Station 3 – 30 Second Active Hang From Pull-up Bar

For quality, take your time with the movements.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE