Summer is quickly speeding by, just a few weeks it’ll be September and our busiest time will be here. Many of you have been continuing to train hard through the summer while others have taken a step back, regardless I know we will see a busy facility in the coming months which I can’t wait for. With that being said I just wanted to put out a handful of things that are going to be happening, for many of them, more details will be coming in the future.

– Construction – 

The gym will be undergoing some construction in about 2-4 weeks. As always I am continuing to try and invest back into you all and provide you with a better more equip facility. We will be removing some of the offices and expanding the back room gym area. We will do our best to minimize the impact this has on everybody’s training, just please mindful of it and we thank you for your patience.

– Competitors Programming –

Starting Monday, September 2nd I will be posting a more in depth programming model for those with interest in competing and those wanting/willing to spend the extra time. There will be a handful of stipulations that go along with taking part in this programming that I will get up before we start it. To all of our gym members, do remember that our primary focus is class,  in addition remember a competitor isn’t just someone that competes at the Regional or Games level, it is someone who is interested in competing and dedicating more time to the sport of CrossFit. That could be any you.

– Membership Cap –

Starting October 1st we will be instituting a membership cap at October 1st. We are reaching the limit of our athlete capacity, and want to make sure that the product offered at Champlain Valley CrossFit isn’t diluted. While we will work to refine the cap and add classes where we can we will be putting a cap on the number of athletes training at Champlain Valley CrossFit. There will be more details to follow in the coming weeks, but to make things simple anyone training at Champlain Valley CrossFit will need to maintain a membership/attendance of an average of 2 days/week, if they choose to let their attendance/billing go, there name will be removed from our active member base so that we can make room for a new athlete that would like to start at Champlain Valley CrossFit. We already have a growing list of people who would like to start, so, much like golf courses, season ticket holders to a sports league, and other activities there will be a wait list to get into the gym, and if you let your membership go delinquent you will be put to the bottom of the waiting list.

– Bring a Friend August 30th –

Whether you have a friend to come with or not, there is an open workout the 30th at 5:45 PM for anyone who would like to come in and give CrossFit a try.

– Labor Day Class –

There will be only one (1) class at 9 AM, on Monday, September 2nd. Hope to see lots of you in.

– 3 Year Anniversary Party – 

Saturday, September 7th we will be celebrating 3 years of awesomeoness at Champlain Valley CrossFit. Party will start at 4 PM, hope to see lots of you there. It will be Potluck style, but we will also be providing a large amount of Meat and Beer, grill will be going and available for anyone to use. There will be a live band, and hot tubs to test out from Patrick at Softtub.