Friday Nights

A last reminder to everybody, there will be no classes on Friday nights starting this Friday, the 8th and for the next 5 weeks. We will be using this time as an opportunity to host the Open Workouts, for our some 70+ athletes that are competing in the Open. The back room will be left open for folks to use, but otherwise we suggest coming to class during the day and coming in at night to cheer on your fellow athletes on. If you would like to bring food and beverages for Post WOD Potluck it is strongly encouraged. We are looking forward to some awesome workouts and seeing you all push yourselves hard. Lets make this a fun 5 weeks.

For those partaking in the CrossFit Open. We will begin running heats of the workout at 5 PM. Heats will run until we are finished, but likely 7:00-7:30 PM. Heats will be a little more structured this year, with 70 people we will be running a tighter schedule. Heats will be first come, first serve, there will be a sign-up sheet when you get here. When you sign-up for a heat please make sure you are ready for that time and ready to go. In addition, just to clarify, for this year, only CVCF coaches, and select appointed athletes will be judging. When the workouts are released Wednesday night, please watch any and all videos and familiarize yourself with the movements and standards, as we will be holding you all to those exact standards.