And another one.

We’ve had people coming in throughout the day grabbing equipment. As this continues we’d ask that you please stick to taking equipment in the select packages as we’ve had a number of people trying to take large amounts of equipment, please be respectful of the fact that we are trying to provide gear for 200+ people.

Our schedule moving forward….after a bit of deliberation we will be following suit with what the majority of fitness facilities around the country are doing, and we will be shutting our doors for 2 weeks. We’re super bummed to do this and has left us feeling a little empty, but it seems this is the best step to take for the greater health of the country, regardless of whether it will really slow down the spread of the virus in the long run. So with that this is what we are looking at…

  • Wednesday, March 18th…We will open from 6-9 AM. If you’d like to come in and train one more time feel free (gear may be limited but we seem to have plenty of barbells and plates). This is also an opportunity to stop by for equipment if you haven’t yet picked something up. For those maybe looking for an additional piece of equipment please show-up around 8:00 AM and at the point we will let everything go.
  • Wednesday, March 18th @ 9:00 AM – Wednesday, April 1st @ 5:30 AM. This is the time period we plan to be closed. We are asking for you all who have borrowed equipment to tentatively plan to be able to bring it back on April 1st. If there are government mandated closures for longer periods of time we will address that as it comes.
  • April 1st and forward. Our plan is to open back up April 1st for Open Gym only as we will be limited on equipment to start the day, and then back to classes on Thursday. We are aware of the reality that we may be limited in the number of people we are allowed to have in the gym at a time, so please be aware we may be in a position where we need to cap classes sizes and require sign-up in advance for classes and Open Gym time.

Programming going forward as laid out in our previous e-mail we will be writing and posting 3 different programming tracks based on the equipment we have handed out. We will also be posting a video to go through all movements. We are also looking into possibly doing a live workout each day where either Dani or myself will do a workout from a specific programming tier…let us know if this is something that would interest you. For programming you will be able to find them on the following blogs…

  • “Bodyweight” Package – This will be found under the “Burn” Blog
  • “Move” Oriented Package – This will be found under the “Move” Blog
  • “Sport” Oriented Package – This will be founder under the “Sport” Blog

Please be mindful that these workouts will be programmed specifically with the gear we laid out for these programming tracks, nothing more, nothing less. Given you guys don’t have multiple weights of each piece of equipment you may find you need to scale volume in certain workouts because there may be too many reps for the given movement/loading. We will be programming 5 training days for each full week, that will be posted in a M/T/W/F/S format. If you’re someone who normally goes to the gym 6-7 days/week we encourage you to get outside on the off days, and not even necessarily exercise but use it as an opportunity to go connect with yourself, get some sun, and let your mind and body relax…a good long walk in the sunshine is a great thing to do on your off days.

If you guys have any questions, thoughts, etc. please don’t hesitate to let us know. I responded to a couple hundred or more e-mails yesterday so apologies if I’m a little slow to get back to you. Thank you all for the support, kindness, and suggestions as we work through this tough time. We hope to be back up and running as normal as soon as possible.

Jade, Dani, and the CVCF Team