I hope everyone is off to a good start to their day. Dani and I had a great workout this morning, we’ve been working on video content, training videos, and lots of “clerical” work. We’re doing our best to hunker down and keep as little contact as possible. While we aren’t concerned about being around people from a personal health stand point, we are concerned about the economic impact of people not social distancing themselves will have. Something for us all to think about, by staying away from each other, not only can we hopefully decrease the number of deaths, but we can hopefully get back to our normal lives as quickly as possible, which I know for many of us in certain industries is super important.

A couple of quick updates for you. We keep getting asked where programming and such will be. Please check the post below/last e-mail, everything is laid out there. Everything will be on our website.

In addition, while we know some of you don’t do Facebook, we do know the majority of you are on there. We’d like to try and keep our community as a whole involved as much as possible, posting videos, pictures, comments, etc. If you want to be involved and be notified first thing when new content goes up, please request to join the Facebook group at the link HERE.

Lastly, while some of these businesses currently aren’t in operation, we’d like to do our best to support each other within our community. We’ve started putting together a database for all of you who come to the gym who are small business owners. I put in info for a few of you who sent it over or for those I know off the top of my head. If you’d like us to add you to the database please e-mail us your info. Link to the database is HERE.

We hope you’re all able to make the best of your day and find some positivity in the environment we’ve all been put in. Have a good one and get ready for a fun workout tomorrow.

We posted this one on Monday on the blog, but if you didn’t get a chance to watch/listen, this is a great one.