Good morning everyone, time to wake-up, start the day, and bring energy and a positive mindset to the week.

It’s been a busy last 4-5 days and lots has been happing in the world. It seems pretty clear that for a lack of better words, shit has hit the fan. I’m incredibly grateful and fortunate that we all live in a more rural area, I can’t imagine what people are going through in places like NYC. As we look ahead, it seems that we’re going to be in this position for an extended period of time, and likely not back on our feet after this 15 day social distancing period is up. We will be waiting through this week to see what the government(s) have planned for us, but at this point the gym is under mandated closure with no clear direction regarding when we might be able to open again. While in some ways we are all in very different positions, in other ways we are all in the same one. Looking ahead to the coming weeks, and possibly months we feel it will be incredibly important to keep on top of your physical and mental health, and do as much as we can to control those items in a positive manner and not a negative one.

I know for me, the time I struggle the most with eating, mindset, etc. is when I’m not doing anything, and just sitting around, and because of this it doesn’t happen often. For many, we are going to have more time freed up, simply from the fact we’re not driving to and from work, and any of the other daily tasks we’re involved with. A quick google search shows that the average American spends about an hour a day in the car, that’s 7 hours a week…now think about all the Americans who are never in car, people in cities who walk to work, and the fact that we live in a rural area, for us that’s likely much higher. So, you can use that time to sit on the computer, watch TV, bemoan the situation we’re in, or you can use that time to make positive impacts on your physical health and well being.

Starting today we would love to see as many of you as possible jump in on this challenge we’ve created. This challenge doesn’t have an end winner, you’re all winners because you’re working to improve your physical and mental health, we’re not keeping score, there is no specific duration of the challenge, we just want to see people being mindful and thinking about the choices they make and how they can positively or negatively impact your life. We encourage you all to take part even if you’re only hitting one or two of the items a day, start with that, then try and make it 3, then 4, etc. Our goal is to help keep people on track, and our hope is that you all come out of this situation in a stronger and better physical and mental state than when you went it in. We obviously have a lot we can’t control, but generally the most important aspects of our life and health are completely within our control.

You can read about the challenge at the link HERE

You can add yourself to the group tracking spreadsheet for the challenge HERE

Long term training options:

For the moment Dani and I have been videoing ourselves training, giving our thoughts, providing demo videos, etc. I personally, for me feel like this is much more valuable than just running a live class, but we’d like to hear from you about what you guys would like to see in terms of this. Would you prefer that we get on Zoom or some other platform 1-2x day and run some sort of live class (my thought is that we’re able to provide you with much more useable content with what we’re currently doing). We understand the social connection is real, but at the same time we know people’s schedules are all over the place, everyone seems to want a different time, so we’re not sure what’s best. You guys tell us, please let us know via e-mail what you’d like to see and we will put our time and energy towards that.

A couple thoughts we had for live sessions that aren’t CrossFit, we thought would be more helpful and beneficial than just half coaching you through some sort of workout.

  • Mobility/Yoga Session 1-2x/week. This is something we can actually do live and everyone can easily follow along together.
  • Nutrition/Lifestyle Discussion. This is something that might be done once or twice a week. We’d just get everyone on a chat and talk, try and answer questions, and just give our personal advice/thoughts on items related to this.

Let us know what you guys might like to see.

In Depth Video Review

Something we’ve thought about doing to offer you all a service, and also help educate you guys all at the same time is an in-depth public video review of your lifting/movement. You guys would send us a lift, movement, etc. and we’d break it down looking at positives as well as faults. We’d do this with voice over and post it publicly in the FB group. This would provide individuals with some in depth coaching on their movements, as well as provide an education platform for everyone…if you’re interested in doing this you all just need to be aware we’re going to pick-apart your movement 🙂 We were thinking maybe one video a day. If this is something you’d be interested in shoot us a message and let us know.

I think that’s it for the moment. Please let us know what we can do to help you in this time. We greatly appreciate your support in this challenging and odd time. If you haven’t joined our Facebook group for our members, please click HERE to do so, we’re getting a good bit of content and engagement there and would love to see everyone get involved. If you have questions, thoughts, etc. please feel free to reach out to either Dani or myself. Have a great day, and do your best to make it great as so much of that is still in our control.

Jade + Dani.