Good Morning everyone, or rather Good Lock Down day.

So as you likely all know, we got some news yesterday that the State is asking people to stay at home permanently unless they’re out for work or essential items for living. We know for most of us exercise is pretty essential to our living…ever notice how your body and mind feel when you disappear from the gym for a few weeks, aside from not being sore, you’re generally not feeling to great about your well being as a whole. So keep up your exercise no matter what it is that you’re doing.

With the State issued lock-down it looks like for the moment we are under this self-quarantine until at least April 15. Dani and myself are completely prepared from a mental aspect for this to likely last through the month of April and possibly longer as many of the scientists and experts seem to be saying we’re still weeks out from our peak.

Going forward we know it is both un-realistic and un-fair to ask everyone to keep their memberships on. In general I’m rarely one to ask for help, mainly because I like to be able to accomplish things myself and be the person that solely bares the success or failure in as many situations as possible. As I’ve grown-up the last few years though I’ve let little things happen and been more open to help, although rarely, I do let it happen. A lot of this has come from something that I see everyday, the words from one of my best friends, Ryan Hawks, who after he passed away our friends found on his laptop a set of core principles to live by.

Every year I find myself following more and more of the principles in my own life. Maybe it’s because I see them everyday and sub-consciously I act on them, or maybe because as I age I continue to focus and care more about the real things in life, the important aspects, not the non-sense that so many of us often get rattled over in our day-to-day lives. As you read to the bottom of the list, one that stands out because I so in-frequently do it is, “don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Dani and I know that CVCF is extremely important to us, it’s where we met, it’s where we spend a huge portion of our time and energy, it’s where we’ve been able to help lots of people, it’s where almost all of our friends are, and we know for many of you it’s important for the same reasons, having met spouses, friends, connected closer to family and kids by finding common interests, the list goes on.

So as we to look ahead to another almost 3 weeks of being closed, a total of a month, and the possibility of that likely stretching upwards of another month, here’s what we’re asking in terms of support of CVCF in this downtime.

  • If you’re in a similar situation to us, either owning a small business, maybe you’ve lost your job because you work in the service industry, please let us know so we can freeze your membership. We don’t want those of you in this position to have any further stressors so please let us know and we’ll freeze your account until we can open for normal business again. In addition, please let us know if there is anyway we can help directly, or we can reach out to the community of CVCF to see if someone in the community can help you in whatever situation you might be in.
  • If you borrowed equipment from us we’d ask that you continue to pay your monthly membership for hopefully the 1-2 billing cycles that this will last. Dani and I will be planning to continue creating content, putting up programming as we have, and doing our best to offer you guys whatever we can and whatever we feel is most beneficial to you guys during this time.
    • Many of you who borrowed equipment also fall into the category of members who generally pay for a year membership up front. These memberships, along with punch cards, and product make-up about 50% of our business, so this income is temporarily gone, and our monthly memberships make-up the other 50% of which many of these have already been frozen or cancelled. For those of you who have 6 or 12 month memberships, if you are in a position where your income has not been affected we wanted to at least ask if you’d be willing to start a monthly membership (at the rate of your 6 or 12 month membership) for the next 1-2 billing cycles. This would allow us to keep our cash flow up to cover our business and basic living expenses, and we would freeze your existing 6 or 12 month memberships accordingly and push back the expiration date accordingly based on how long you do a monthly bill for. If this is something that works for you, please let us know and we will set it up accordingly.
  • Lastly, while we don’t lake to take charity, if you however didn’t get a chance to grab any equipment but would still like to leave your membership on as your finances haven’t been affected and you’d like to support us, we certainly appreciate it, and won’t turn it down in a time like this. We’ve had a handful of people down-right ask to donate size-able sums of money to the business which we’ve turned down for now. If you feel there is value in the content and programming we put out and want to help to ensure that we open back-up without any major issues we’d just ask that you keep your membership on, nothing more than that is needed.

If you fall somewhere else on the spectrum of the above, have questions, suggestions, concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and if you’d like/need us to freeze your membership please let us know.

In addition as we look ahead for the next month or so we’re looking at ways we can create opportunities for our own business as well as others. While we know for many people they’re likely stepping back with their finances and being frugal, we will be partnering with a couple of different companies in the Fitness/CrossFit space, softgoods, supplements, a couple of other things that will do codes to kick back part of sales to gyms. As we roll this stuff out, if there is something that you’re still regularly buying, for instance a protein supplement, consider checking out the products we send along as by purchasing them you’ll directly be supporting the gym as well.

Finally what can we do for you all. We’ve been super excited to see people positing content in the Facebook group. Dani and I feel like we are providing more worthwhile content with what we are doing than most of the Zoom classes, or other lives classes we’ve been seeing, but this is just our belief, if there is something you guys would like to see from us, PLEASE let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate as much as we can.

As I’ve always said, each and every person in our gym makes it what it is, thank you for making CVCF what it was, is, and will be, it couldn’t be done without each and everyone of you putting your energy into it, and for that we are forever grateful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Jade + Dani