And just like that’s it May. Hard to believe we’re just a couple of days away from being closed for 7 weeks. While in some ways it’s gone quickly, in others, the time seems to have crawled by. I think it’s really important for all of you to commend yourselves for keeping yourselves healthy and sane through this time. Through this crisis, and others we’ll have in the future, I truly believe those that take care of themselves from a health/wellness/nutrition/exercise standpoint will be the individuals who are most able to deal with situations like this and will be able to come out of the gates charging and ready to succeed in their daily lives. Taking care of yourself in these ways not only keeps your mental health up, but for those who’ve come to CVCF for long enough, or even just done CrossFit on their own long enough, know that you’re routinely put in uncomfortable, almost dark places in the middle of your workouts at times. Those times are when as athletes and human being’s we truly grow and learn to deal with adversity. In the gym, you’re constantly faced with the task and opportunity of do I push harder and suffer more, or do I let off the gas because I don’t like to deal with the uncomfortable. By routinely putting yourself in uncomfortable positions in your daily life and routines I truly believe it sets you up for a more level head and a higher likelihood of success when truly hard situations come around. You should all give yourselves a pat on the back for the training and dis-comfort you put yourselves through on a regular basis before the shutdown, and even bigger round of applause for those who continue to do it through this time because you know the importance it plays in the success of your daily lives and health.

While I’d like to say I have tons of amazing news for you and information about opening we unfortunately do not. However below marks a few reminders and updates.

  • Zoom Sessions. A reminder M/T/W @ Noon, and Saturday @ 9:00 AM. Links will be posted on the website and in the Facebook group. Feel free to jump in, we have had large regular groups, and while it’s certainly not the gym, for those craving a little more of a social connection I think many people are having fun with it and finding the little bit of social connection to be helpful.
  • We got approved for our PPP loan, which we should have funded this week. This definitely helps us for the next 8 weeks and provides some relief, however the big question for us will be what is coming down the line and how will our business be able to function.
  • I’ve reach out to another gym owner who is on a new board, a business “task force” for re-opening Vermont. They have there first meeting this morning, I’ve asked if there is desire/want I would be happy to join the group to provide my input and thoughts. We’ll see if any information comes from this today.
  • In terms of actually opening we have yet to see or hear anything aside from the stay at home order to May 15th, which is just next Friday. We’re hoping we get more than a couple of days notice so we can prepare specifically to the guidelines we have to follow, but our current guess is that we likely won’t be able to open until June 1st, or at least we’ve heard some rumblings around that date.
  • Looking ahead to opening CVCF back-up there are a lot of questions to be answered and a lot unknown. What we do know is that we are going to be limited, and at least from what news and science reports, we could likely be dealing with this until or through Fall/Winter of 2021. This leaves us in a position of long term change to our business and having to completely re-format what and how we do things. So, while we have no specific details, please be aware that once we do open, and likely for the “short” term future, CVCF will likely have to function in a very different manner. We are likely looking at things such as class structure/design change, attendance, membership options, events, etc. the list goes on, we’re essentially looking, like many businesses, having to re-invent how we do business to meet this global crisis. We truly hope to be able to continue to create an amazing training environment with an amazing group of people, it’ll likely just look a little different heading into the future. 

At the moment that’s all I’ve got for you. I hope you are all doing well. I truly can’t thank you all enough for continuing to support us in an effort to help solidify a future for CVCF for years to come. If there is anything you need from us beyond what we’re doing please don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re happy to help with whatever manner we are able. I hope you all have a wonderful week, eat well, train hard, enjoy time with your families, and while it might not seem it, enjoy and be thankful for the opportunities that we currently do have.

Jade + Dani