It’s a hot one today, make sure you guys are getting your liquids and electrolytes in!

It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve sent any updates out to you guys and we finally have some news for you. Nothing earth shattering but all important stuff for you all to know about.


First we wanted to give you all a heads up that we’ve gotten around to putting our thoughts and ideas on paper, and while very delayed have written out a new break-down of what, why, how our programming works. This is a great update for EVERYONE to read, especially those of you who have joined us as new athletes since we opened back up. We hope this helps give you all some direction in your training, and allows you to put some thought into what you’re doing with your time here and why.

You can read about our programming structures at the link HERE.

CrossFit HQ

As most, if not all of you know, right when we were allowed to open the gym back-up there was also a very large issue that arose related to CrossFit HQ the company. After what I can imagine was a whirlwind of events, emotions, and discussions, Greg Glassman agreed to sell the company to a private owner and investor which we as owners, were happy to see after already being less than happy with the direction the company was taking the last 2 years. After personally exchanging some e-mails with the new owner of CrossFit, Eric Roza over the last month, as well as Dave Castro, we are both excited and feel very positive about the direction CrossFit is headed in the future.

CrossFit has done an enormous amount for us personally, as well as for many people in our gym, and we feel that by staying connected to that part of our heritage and that community, with these new ownership changes that we will be in a position to positively affect more people by keeping the CrossFit name within our business. So, we have decided to renew our affiliation with CrossFit at the end of this month when it would normally expire. With that being said we will continue to be known as Champlain Valley Community Fitness, and CrossFit will become a sub-name of our brand and business, as we feel we continue to differentiate ourselves from what the average CrossFit gym is doing and offering around the world. We’re excited to see what’s to come in the near future, and truly believe that the new owner is going to bring CrossFit back to where it was 3-4 years ago.

Sunday Open Gym

After opening the gym back-up we instituted an 8 person minimum for Open Gym to happen on Sunday’s. This has yet to happen, with frequently only 2-3 people signed up. Starting this week and for the immediate future we will be permanently cancelling Sunday Open gym so that our coaches don’t have to be on call every weekend. What this also allows is for the gym to get a “rest” day. This may become important if there are any drastic changes to the Covid situation, by giving the gym approximately 40 hours of down time so that we can be sure at the start of each week any surfaces that could possibly be infected are cleaned and outside the timeline of when the virus would stay active. We will look to start Sunday Open gym back-up once the weather turns, as it seems with this amazing summer everyone is getting outside and enjoying it. This timeline will likely be sometime in October, Covid dependent.

Showers Open

Starting next Monday, August 17th, we will be allowing use of the showers again with certain restrictions. First please make use of the showers only if you really need to. We’d appreciate people who just don’t want to drive home sweaty refrain from using the showers, and ask that you only use them if it’s something essential to you getting in here to train and then heading off to work. We will be asking that you all bring your own soaps and shampoos just to help keep the number of touch points down to a minimum. If you are going to shower we ask that once done cleaning your gear at your station you move immediately to the bathroom, no loitering and wondering around back and forth. Lastly we will be asking and keeping people to a strict time limit of 15 minutes to finish after your class ends. Essentially anytime there is a class after yours, you need to be out the door by the time the next class is starting. If you’re quick to wipe your gear down after your workout this should leave you with about 20 minutes to get a shower in and get out the door.

Self Serve Product Kiosk

The self-serve product kiosk will be going back out for use starting Monday, August 17th. We know we’ve already lost a good amount of product by not immediately putting peoples product into the system and later not remembering exactly what was grabbed, so this will go back as it was before. You guys can help yourselves to any and all product up front and check-out in a good faith manner by adding the product to your invoice. Invoices will be closed out at the beginning of each month. In addition a reminder if you are prompted for a password it is 000000 (that’s 6 “0’s”). We will be sanitizing the tablet throughout the day, but we recommend that you sanitize your hands after using it.

Gym Build Out

We will be doing some construction in the gym sometime in September, exact date yet to be determined. This will be to build out and add some more spaces into the main gym space. In doing so we will be ripping down the entire rig in the center of the room, and re-arranging our space. If you’d like to help out and like turning wrenches, we could use 6-10 hands with some socket wrench sets, and maybe a couple of extra ladders to help. Feel free to shoot us back an e-mail letting us know you’d like to help.

That’s it for the moment. As always if you have any thoughts, questions, etc. please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Have a wonderful day.

-The CVCF Team