I hope everyone is excited for this Spring weather, I sure know it was nice to wake-up to some warmer temperatures. We wanted to just get a few notes out to everyone to start the week.

ACH Billing

You will all receive an automated e-mail from our Push Press system starting today, may take a couple of days to get them all out, to switch out your billing to ACH. This is something we used to have on Mindbody that we lost when moving to Push Press which has finally integrated ACH into their system. ACH is billing direct to your checking account. This serves two great purposes for us as a business. One we can save a bunch of money. Currently any and all Credit Cards are charged at the same rate which is 3%, by moving to ACH our billing fees move to just under 1%. In addition this saves us from the never-ending process of switching out peoples Credit Cards who are constantly getting hacked. Generally we don’t see actual checking accounts change very often so this a great solution for us in terms of saving time on the admin end.

Our plan is to push all of the money saved by switching over into additional equipment purchases and invest this money back into our facility. In addition, and the few of you who have already asked to be switched over will be entered into this, we will be giving away a month of membership and a couple of other goodies in a random drawing of all of the individuals who switch their billing over to ACH.

Again you will receive an automated e-mail to make this switch, all you will have to do is input your checking account number and routing number into the system.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Sickness and Coronavirus

As we all know with the media all over the place the Coronavirus seems to be a pretty serious threat, at the very least to certain portions of the population. Because of the higher than normal risks around this virus we’d like to ask that you please keep yourself clean when you’re here, and respect that there are 300 people who regularly train here who don’t want to be working out next to someone hacking up a lung and blowing snot everywhere. We ask every year for people to be respectful and courteous of others when it comes to being sick, however it’s generally not super effective. Because of the heightened sense of alarm and increased risk we’d ask that if you are really sick, please stay home, and if you have something mild going on please at least be hygienic when you come. We see people all the time go to the bathroom and not wash or sanitize their hands, blow their noses and then go grab a bar, etc. We have hand sanitizers all over the place, at the very least  please take the 3-5 seconds to sanitize your hands, wrist, lower arms after you go to the bathroom, blow your nose, etc. We would all appreciate this, especially the CVCF staff as if multiple of us get sick we unfortunately will not have the staff to keep the business open. Lastly, if you’re sick, the single best thing for you to do is rest, sleep, eat well, and get some sunshine when it’s around, the last thing to help with your recovery is coming in and hammering yourself in the gym, your immune system doesn’t need any further stressors.


As you all know we’ve taken the programming private as of last week. In addition we’ve just added “blogs” for the Burn and Concept Cardio programming. These will be posted in the same manner as our CrossFit programming, 8:00 PM the night before, so if you’d like to take a look at the workouts for those classes ahead of time you will now be able to do this.

If you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, etc. please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The CVCF Team