Upcoming Programming

As always I try and give you guys all a little heads up as to where we are going in the coming weeks/months whenever we start a new block of programming. We just topped off a big 12 week block where we had a few main focuses in our strength work which were squatting, single leg strength and stability, pressing, and midline strength. Below will give you a basic outline of what you can expect to see in the coming 12 weeks and I STRONGLY suggest you not only read it, but think about what YOU as an athlete personally need, not what the rest of the classes needs, and what your personal goals are with your time spent at Champlain Valley CrossFit. As I have historically programmed there will be consistency within our strength work, you can expect to see the same movements/emphasis week in and out on your strength pieces, meanwhile Met-cons, your conditioning, will as always, be constantly varied, always changing, and rarely repeating themselves. Accessory work will run in 4 week blocks as it as in the past so you can focus on something for a while then once you start to get comfortable with it we’ll rotate into something else, and finally, Monday’s will continue to be programmed as “LEG” day, i.e. no shoulders, giving them break so that those that train 3-on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, will be giving their shoulders a break 3 of the 7 days a week. Below is a basic outline for the individual programming structure for the coming 12 weeks.


Monday – Front Squat

Tuesday – Deadlift (we will cycle through 3 different variations over the 12 weeks)

Wednesday – Pressing (Bench, Strict Press, and Push Press cycled over the 12 weeks)

Thursday – 40 minute EMOTM

Friday – Single Leg Work Coupled with Single Arm Work

Saturday – Conditioning Only


Monday – Front Squat

Tuesday – Olympic Work (with a focus on repetitions, i.e Double and Triples)

Wednesday – Pressing (Bench, Strict Press, and Push Press cycled over the 12 weeks)

Thursday – 40 minute EMOTM

Friday – Back Squat

Saturday – Conditioning Only


The competition program is going to see a slight volume increase from what you guys have been doing. Approximately 10-15% more overall work through the course of the week. We will be putting a large emphasis on Olympic Lifting, and will be adapting a cycle of programming from CrossFit Weightlifting programmed by Coach Burgener to fit our schedule and structure. In addition there will be a slight uptick in conditioning work as well. If you’re planning to follow this programming, as is always suggested, make sure you have the time to train, but also the time to sleep, eat, and take care of your body.

Monday – Olympic Work, Front Squat

Tuesday – Olympic Work

Wednesday – Olympic Work, Bench Press

Thursday – Active Recovery

Friday – Olympic Work, Back Squat

Saturday – Olympic Work