Congrats to everyone that was diligent and worked hard through our last cycle of training. Many are sporting some bigger squats and tighter fitting jeans. The last two weeks have been a bit of a mish-mash of programming, we’ve tested a number of strength items and haven’t been on a strict regimented program. Tomorrow we will start rolling with a new program and there are a few thoughts that I wanted to get out there for you guys to help guide you.

Champlain Valley CrossFit has now been open for over 4 years, pretty crazy, and myself alone I’ve now taught over 5000 classes. That’s a lot of time spent working with people, learning about people, and using what I learn to try and offer you all a better experience. As you know, at Champlain Valley CrossFit we have all types of athletes, from literally some of the best in the world, to some of our newer athletes who are coming off of a hard 5 years of some serious couch action. It has been almost a year since I revamped our programming to try and draw some more defined lines among the different groups of athletes in the gym so that they can get the best possible option for themselves.

As we roll into our next phase of programming I can’t stress enough that you pick your programming based on what you are looking for, AND truly ask yourself why are you coming to Champlain Valley CrossFit, what are YOUR actual goals. I think it’s super important to not get caught up in what others are doing. As time goes on I continue to modify and simplify the Fitness programming offered at the gym. I think for a good handful of you, you need to think about whether you should be following the Sport programming or the Fitness programming, again, what are you really at Champlain Valley CrossFit for. There is absolutely no reason, what so ever that you need to be doing Cleans, Jerks, Snatches, Toes-to-bar, Kipping Pull-ups, etc. if your interest at Champlain Valley CrossFit is for just increased Strength and Fitness. So, as you come into the gym on Monday, ask yourself what you’re there for, the Fitness programming is for those that are there just for that increasing there general Fitness, the Sport programming is there for those that enjoy and are interested in the Sport of CrossFit, are interested in doing the Open and maybe a small competition and are WILLING AND DILIGENT ENOUGH TO TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO DO THE MOVEMENTS PROPERLY AND UPHOLD THOSE STANDARDS AT ALL TIMES, and the Competition programming is there for those that have the time not only to train, but also to eat, sleep, and care of there bodies outside of the gym and are serious about competing.

For the following 12 weeks this is what you can expect…


There will be no Olympic Lifting what so ever in the Fitness programming for the next 12 weeks, and likely for the entire future. Strength work will move to some basic 5×5 Linear Periodization along with some accessory work hitting the basic movements Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Met-cons will stick to basic movements that promote high intensity and good conditioning.


Through the next 12 weeks the emphasis here will be Olympic Lifting. Monday you’ll Squat, Tuesday and Friday will be Olympic Pulling Work, and Wednesday will be Overhead Work. Olympic work will not be timed as we’ve been doing, there will be an emphasis on Pulls, and all work will be % based. Met-con’s will continue to be programmed as they have been.


Competition programming will continue building on what we’ve done. Programming will move to 5 days a week of Olympic Lifting with a good bit of positioning pulling. You’ll be doing a program adapted from Catalyst Athletics. Squatting will be a little different, hitting all 3 styles of Squats each week, with a basic linear periodization scheme. In addition because of the good feedback received about all the pressing, you will continue pressing 2x week, Strict Press one time, Push Press one time. The next 12 weeks you’ll be seeing 4 Met-cons/week with the 40 minute EMOTM on Wednesday. As we close in on the Open some additional rowing will be added.

Have fun, train hard, and keep up the great work.