The time has come and the Paleo Challenge is just around the corner. Traditionally we have started the Paleo Challenge the beginning of January and gone for anywhere from 45-60 days. We know 60 days is a long time to be committed to something and one of the biggest faults of our Paleo Challenge is that it’s just a little too long for people to stay engaged. For this year the Paleo Challenge will be just 30 days. In addition we are going to start it in February. We’ve found most people, given it’s the New Year are a little more focused at the beginning of January for everything they do, so this year we are going to start the beginning of February at a time when many folks are starting to lose focus a bit. Like years past $20 cash is the buy-in, you need to be present on the test and re-test days, everyone who does it and sticks to it will feel awesome and be happy with their progress, and it’ll help tune you up just in time for the Open. In addition we’ve added another scoring category for this year. Remember the goal of this challenge is to get you all to pay a little more attention to what goes into your body, and this year a focus on how much as well. I encourage you to take a look through the Paleo Challenge guidelines at the link HERE. If you’d like to sign-up, put your name and info in the Google Docs spreadsheet HERE, and see Dani or Jade with $20 cash.
