Per our recent post on Facebook it seems that a number of people are interested in getting Progenex again. To start we are going to just do a pre-order. We will be placing the order on Thursday, October 9th, so your orders need to be in by Wednesday night. Upon the shipment arriving we will either charge your account for the product ordered or if you would like to pay with cash (cash is king :-)) you can note that in the spreadsheet and pay us when you order. Price is $60 for a bag of Recovery and $70 for a bag of More Muscle. If you would like any of the other products that Progenex offers we are happy to get them, just make note on the spreadsheet. Check out Progenex HERE. Our plan is to do an order every 6 weeks, about the time it takes you guys to go through a bag, if enough people are purchasing product from Progenex we will start to keep it in stock again. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding any of their products.

If you would like to place an order please fill out the spreadsheet for any and all products you’d like HERE. (we can’t order the Chocolate Peanut Butter Smash Flavor unless 10 bags of that flavor are ordered)