
This week marked the beginning of the Olympic Lifting cycle we are going to be running. This will bring us up until the beginning-mid February time. This is a time for you guys to hone in the skill of Olympic Lifting and refine your movements. A few important thoughts for you below.

1) A program is a program for a reason. I’ve already seen a ton of people, not to point fingers, but mainly the men go above and beyond what this weeks percentages called for. Programs work because people follow them and do what they say. If any of you don’t want to follow what we program and do different percentages, that’s fine, but don’t come crying when you’re still struggling with the same stuff in 10 weeks. I can say that most, never mind that, everyone in the gym, when they fail a lift when it pertains to Olympic Lifting it is because of a breakdown in form/technique. This isn’t a Deadlift where you are just ripping weight off the floor. Most of us start to lose technique/form on the Olympic lifts on anything above 70%, which is “light” according to many of you. So again, do what you like, but ultimately those who follow the programming and really focus on the technique, speed, and form of these movements and not the weight will reap the most benefits from the program.

2) Schedule. For the next 10 weeks Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be Olympic Lifting for strength work. Tuesday will be a Squat Day. Saturday the extra work programmed will be the 5th day of the program, I will be making the gym available for you guys to do this from 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM after the 9:15 AM class. This will not be a coached session. I or some of the other coaches will likely be training during that time and maybe even doing the same thing, so we may be able to give you a little help here and there, but this is not a coached class. This is an open lifting session. This time is for people to do the programmed Olympic Lifting and only this, it’s not a time slot for you to come in and do the Met-con because you slept in or come in and do something else you’d like. For those really looking to hone in on their Olympic lifts I encourage you to make time for this. Come to either morning class and plan on another hour + of Olympic Lifting at 10:15 AM. Any questions feel free to ask. If it wasn’t made clear above, for those a little more serious about CrossFit as a sport you should still be coming Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Rest Thursday and Sunday.

3) Met-con’s and Strength Work. For the next 10 weeks Olympic Lifting is the emphasis. We are focused on dialing in our technique and moving light weights faster. You will see no Deadlifting, Bench Press, Strict Press, etc. as strength work for the next 10 weeks (this may appear on Thursday’s, but for those following as a competitor they won’t see this stuff). You’re Met-con’s will be four short ones during the week 5-12 minutes, with a long Met-con on Saturday’s as we’ve always done. Thursdays will flip flop between a short Met-con and a Strength, and a long Met-con. Again for those that are “Competitors” you should be resting Thursday.

4) Warm-ups. Because of the breadth of movements and large amount of work we have on certain days we will be working more and more towards group warm-ups, primarily with the barbell. In general we will be working towards making this a more regular part of our classes as the gym gets busier. We have found it is much more time efficient and for those that don’t actually warm-up it forces you guys to do so. So with that said, please be punctual, show up to class on time, be respectful of the coaches teaching and your peers. To reiterate something we’ve posted in the past, show up on time, there are a handful of people that are making it a habit of showing up 5, 10, or more minutes late for class. Class starts at the designated class time, that’s when you should be ready to go so please be ready. We understand shit happens sometimes and you’re late, but every single class isn’t fair to us or your peers, and by bypassing the warm-up you’re setting yourself up for a higher likelihood of injury. So if you are more than 5 minutes late, please consider waiting until the next class if it’s in the evening, or bypass the first part of class and make sure you are warmed up.

5) Template. By clicking the link below you will be able to download a template that will spit out numbers for you for the next 10 weeks. Going with number 1, a program is a program, put in your numbers, don’t put in numbers you think you can hit, or numbers you hit 2 years ago and haven’t been near recently. But recent, valid, real numbers, and again FOLLOW THEM! Lastly don’t print the entire spreadsheet out. There are a handful of occasions through the template where we will be maxing out. If you happen to hit a PR you should adjust your number on the first sheet which will then be reflected in the following weeks you still have to go through.

2012-2013 Winter 10 Week Olympic Lifting Template

6) Have Fun. Remember you should be here because you enjoy CrossFit and have fun with it while reaping the benefits of being a healthier, fitter, stronger, happier you. I’m able to work 70+ hour weeks, now a couple of years on end because I have fun with you guys, so I hope you come and have fun with this. You won’t be successful at anything you don’t enjoy. Even if you don’t like the Olympic Lifts a ton, treat this as an opportunity to get better at something you struggle with (guarantee if you don’t like the Olympic lifts it’s because you’re bad at them, we don’t like doing things we’re bad at), learn to like them, make them your strengths. See you all in class everybody. Cheers.