Today marks a new cycle for us in our programming. The last 10 weeks our strength work has had a heavy emphasis on Olympic lifting. While many have come to be a little sick of all of the Olympic Lifting I can say that each and every person that has been regularly coming has made significant progress on their lifts, through either technique or weight. You should all be proud for the dedication you’ve given to these two lifts. With that being said Olympic Lifting will not disappear from our programming. The Olympic Lifts are still some of the single best movements for full body strength, power, and coordination, and a staple of CrossFit. Two of our strength sessions each week will still be geared towards Olympic Lifting but they will have a much wider variety then what we’ve done recently. Below is a general layout of how our programming will run for the foreseeable future…


Strength – Back and Front Squats – We will continue following the Hatch Program one day a week. Tomorrow we will be on Week 6, Day 1, click HERE to download the template. For those who haven’t been coming Tuesday’s I encourage you take the percentages down by as much as 10% if you haven’t been squatting.

Met-con – We will be working in the 5-12 minute range with our Met-cons on Monday.


Strength – Olympic Work – We will be working on a variety of Olympic movements on Tuesdays. Maxes, Complex, Power, Squat, etc. this will change from week to week.

Met-con – We will be working in the 10-20 minute range with our Met-cons on Tuesday.


Strength – Varied – Wednesdays we will be doing varied Strength Work from Pressing work, to Squatting, Deadlifting, and anything in between.

Met-con – We will be working in the 10-15 minute range with our Met-cons on Wednesday.


We will have a varied day on Thursday. It will be anything from a long Met-con to strength work and a shorter Met-con and everything in between.


Strength – Snatch and Clean & Jerk – We will be doing both Squat Snatch and Squat Clean and Jerk in different variations on Fridays.

Met-con – We will be working in the 5-12 minute range with our Met-cons on Friday.


Met-con – We will continue with our traditional long Met-con on Saturday’s ranging from 20-40 minutes.