We put a little feeler out on Facebook last week to see if people were interested in purchasing Pure Pharma products through the gym. It seems there are a handful of people interested so we are going to go ahead and give it a go. For our initial order we are going to do a pre-order to get the ball rolling. If enough of you buy it and like it we will start stocking the product so that you guys always have it on hand.

Pure Pharma only puts out a few products, what they do put out, they put out extremely high quality versions of, and the products they put out are arguably products that everyone should take regardless of your diet and exercise…especially since we live in Vermont where there is no sun 🙂 Instead of me writing out a list of reasons why you should take Pure Pharma products read the quick article HERE from CrossFit Invictus. We will be starting with just ordering the Pure Pharma-3 Packets. For those who are bad with there consistency when taking supplements this works great, it puts all 3 Supplements in a little packet, open it up and take them, easy to travel with, etc. etc. An order comes with 3o packets, for a 30 day supply, which comes to a touch over $2/day ($65 for the box) less than most of the coffees you buy and far more important to your health and well being. Since you’ll be buying the products from the gym you won’t have to cover shipping, and with a handful of you taking it consistently, we’ll be able to stock the product so you won’t ever have to wait for it. To read a little more about Pure Pharma check their website out HERE.

For our pre-order you can go onto Mindbody, login to your account, and purchase the product through Mindbody, or you can have us ring you up for it at the gym. If you do purchase online just note, if you use a different credit card than you are normally billed with, Mindbody will register the card your using as your knew card. You can find the Pure Pharma – 3 Subscription on our Mindbody system HERE. We will be placing the order this coming Monday, the 29th, so make sure you get your order in quickly.
