What Are You Doing For Supplementation?

I ask because supplementation can be very important to your overall health and success as an athlete/CrossFitter. Now by all means supplements aren’t required for a healthy diet, we’ve been around for more than the last 100 years so clearly we got here without them. With that being said for many of you they can be extremely helpful. CrossFitting can be hard on the body in a number of ways, especially when done consistently while pushing ones limits. Stretching, Yoga, and things like Supplements are all helpful in your recovery to perform and feel better the next day.

I’m writing this post not tell you that what we sell is the best and that you should take it, but more to make you aware that we do sell a couple of good, quality supplements. Currently we sell NUUN Tabs which are an electrolyte/hydration supplement, and Progenex a protein/recovery supplement. I’ve chosen to sell these supplements for a variety of reasons, quality, taste, company support, etc. We have a number of athletes at the gym that use and like these supplements, just like we have plenty of people that like and take different supplements. I can’t ethically say that these are the BEST supplements out there, it’s hard to really say if there is a best supplement. I can say however that they are great tasting supplements which do their job, which for many people is half the battle, having something they enjoy taking.

Progenex is a protein which is going to aid in your bodies ability to recover after a hard workout. NUUN Tabs are just dropped in your water. They add electrolytes to your water which is something that many of us need. As the warmer summer months approach, and we sweat more, electrolytes are something you should all seriously consider adding to your daily intake. If you are a big water drinker they are important so you don’t flush your body out too much, and for those who don’t drink enough water we’ve heard from a number of athletes in the gym that the NUUN Tabs help them drink more water.

While they are in limited supply I’ve put out 100 NUUN Tab samples (please don’t take 5 or 10 they are for everybody), and I’ve also got 20 Progenex Recovery samples that I’m going to give out. If you’re interested in trying Progenex please ask Jade or Dani for a sample pack, they won’t be sitting out as the single serve packets are considerably more expensive than the NUUN Tabs, and we’d prefer to give them to people who are seriously considering using Progenex as a supplement. Both products can be purchase in the gym, and at a cheaper price than anywhere else (going rate for NUUN Tabs in the area is $6.00-7.50, we sell them for $5, and Progenex can only be purchased online, for a higher price and shipping), my goal with selling supplements is not to make a bunch of money off of them, but to provide our athletes with a good product that is convenient for them to get/take.

Lastly if any of you feel there is something that you’d like to see at the gym let me know, post to comments. I’m not going to replace the products we currently sell, but something like Fish Oil, or other products would be things I would consider stocking if  a host of our athletes felt it was something they would take and purchase here because of the convenience.


We just got a bunch of new NUUN Tabs in if you were looking for a specific flavor, and have most of the Progenex Supplements. If you’re ever looking for a specific Progenex or NUUN supplement that we don’t have we’d be happy to get it for you when we place an order if you let us know.