Hey guys just wanted to give you a heads up that the programming for Thursday’s will change as of this week. We implemented our 40 minute EMOTM with “choose your own movements” some 2 years ago and it instantly boosted our Thursday attendance. What has become for many, there favorite day of the week is now coming to an END. No, just kidding, but it is going to change a little bit. You will all still be choosing your movements however Thursday’s are going to change to a 4 week rotation of how the 40 minute EMOTM is going to be structured. Just a little something for you all to keep in mind as it will affect how you program your pieces, more than anything from a volume standpoint. Here’s how things will be setup…

Week 1)

As is. Nothing changes. 4 Movements that you rotate through on the minute for 10 rounds. Arguably the “easiest” because you do a movement and then get 3 minutes rest, at the same time this is the one you can get the most intensity out of, especially if you program your movements affectively because you do have that 3 minute “rest” between movements.

Week 2)

Structured as following…

Movement 1 – Monostructural/Aerobic Conditioning – 10 minute EMOTM

Movement 2 – Gymnastics – 10 minute EMOTM

Movement 3 – Strength – 10 minute EMOTM

Movement 4 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning – 10 minute EMOTM

This is arguably the most difficult of the 4 setups because you do the movement in a battery style. You hit a given movement 10 sets in a row and then rotate to the next movement. This means the volume you might be used to programming for yourself, say 10 Toes-to-bar, will no longer fly since you aren’t getting 3+ minutes of “rest”, you are only getting maybe 30-40 seconds.

Week 3)

Structured as following…

20 minute EMOTM

Movement 1 – Monostructural/Aerobic Conditioning

Movement 2 – Strength

20 minute EMOTM

Movement 1 – Gymnastics

Movement 2 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning

This is done as two back-to-back 20 minute EMOTM’s. The movements are setup to paired with one movement biased more towards conditioning and the other biased more towards skill and strength. This will be and in between of Week 1 and 2, while you do have “rest” between the movements, you don’t have as much as Week 1, at the same time it’s not a complete battery style of the same movement over and over like Week 2.

Week 4

Structured as the following…

Minute 1 – Monostructural/Aerobic Conditioning

Minute 2 – Monostructural/Aerobic Conditioning

Minute 3 – Gymnastics

Minute 4 – Gymnastics

Minute 5 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning

Minute 6 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning

Minute 7 – Strength

Minute 8 – Strength

x 5 rounds

This will be a blend of weeks 1 and 2. You’ll follow the same order of movements as Week 1 and as we have been for the last couple of years. Depending on the movements this may allow you to get more “intensity/volume” out of the structure of the EMOTM because while you do have to do the movements back-to-back for two rounds, you are now getting 6 minutes off from the movement instead of 3 so there is more potential to recover from the specific movement as long as you don’t completely smoke yourself on it when you do do it.


So that’s a little run-down for you guys. For those who live for the Thursday 40 minute EMOTM, you’ve still got it, there just a new spin on it that will add a little more variation to your training. For those who don’t like Thursday’s because you have to pick your own movements, well, you still have to do that, or you can let me do it for you :-), but at least this way it’s not the “same” 40 minute EMOTM structure week in and week out. Keep up the great work!


– Jade