*Reminder that there will be some price changes as of 1/1/18 for some members HERE


1) Every 2:00 x 10 sets:

5 Deadlifts


5 Medball Bear Hold Jumping Squats


30 second Handstand Hold

Reference last week for loading for the Deadlift. Moving through each movement as a sequence, this should take approximately 60 seconds to work through, you’ll then have 60 seconds of rest. Build loading on the Deadlift as deemed fit.

2) 7 minute AMRAP:

21 Wall Balls 14/8

12 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 70/50

Extra Work:

3) Ring Dip Support: 10 minutes Practice

Use assistance as needed. Work timed sets or an EMOTM.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE