*Thursday’s Programming Is A Changing HERE

**Parking Issues HERE


1) Back Squat: Every 2:00 x 9 sets

Sets 1-3 – 7 Reps

Sets 4-6 – 5 Reps

Sets 7-9 – 3 Rep

Warm-up as needed. Add 2.5lb-5lbs to each weight from last week (2.5 if your max is under 200lbs, 5lbs if you max is over 200). There should be a designated weight at each of the 3 reps ranges that you do not change.

2) 21-15-9 – AQAP:

D-Ball Over the Shoulder 70/50

400m Run

Extra Work:

3) Sled Drag: 400m @ Bodyweight

This should be smooth and steady, not for time. If you can’t keep yourself moving then scale the weight.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE