Holiday Schedule

          – Monday, December 26th, Open Gym 9 AM-5 PM (Programming will be posted)

          – Sunday, January 1st, Closed

** Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets will go on sale the 1st of the year.

***As many of you know, one of our long time members Damon Lease has been dealing with a whole host of medical issues. Please click the link HERE if you’d like to help the Lease family.


1) 2 Front Squats + 3 Back Squats: Every 2:30 x 7 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM Front Squat. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Make sure the transition between Front and Back Squat is as quick as possible.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:

100 Single-unders

35 Air Squats

10 D-Ball Over Shoulder 70/50

Extra Work:

3) Banded Hamstring Curls: 100 Reps

Break up as needed. Not for time, for quality.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE