* CrossFit Kids Cancelled through January 25th

** Running Clinic w/Jason Wolstenholme HERE

*** Annual Holiday Party is the 30th, check it out HERE

**** WODDOC Seminar February 7th HERE


1) Back Squat: Every 2:30

10 @ 60-65%

8 @ 60-70%

6 @ 65-75%

6 @ 70-80%

6 @ 75-85%

Warm-up as needed. Pick loading based on percentage ranges and personal feel. Goal if it’s there is always the upper end of the range.

2) Front Squat: Every 2:00

5 @ 60-65%

5 @ 65-70%

5 @ 70-75%

5 @ 75-80%

This should be a continuation of your Back Squats on a  running clock. First set of Front Squats starts at the end of your last Back Squat interval. Pick loading based on percentage ranges and personal feel. Goal if it’s here is always the upper end of the range.

3) 10 minute AMRAP:

10 Kettlebell Deadlifts 70/53 (Single Bell)

10 Goblet Squats 70/53

10 Burpees

Extra Work:

4) Banded Pull Throughs: 3 sets of 15

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE