Starting next Tuesday, February 9th, Jason Wolstenholme will be doing a 4 week running clinic. Check it out here.

** This Saturday, the 6th Lululemon will be in to do a Trunk Sale make sure you stop by

*** Have you tried Paleo Naturals food yet. If not stop by Monday Evening the 8th they will be up sampling a ton of their awesome products.


1) Teams of 2 – For time:

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20

200 Abmat Sit-ups

300 Wall Balls 14/8

One person works at a time. You must complete one movement before moving onto the next. Break-up reps among each other anyway you like. Each team gets only 1 Box, 1 Abmat, and 1 Wall Ball.

Extra Work:

2) Face Pulls: 100 not for time

Break this into as many sets as needed. Focus on positioning and activation, not speed or tension.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE