*Regionals Shirts Sign-up HERE…Order Being Place Monday 5/8

**Programming Structure Shift HERE


1) AQAP:

200 Single-unders


3 rounds of…

12 Thrusters 65/45

9 Ring Rows

6 Burpees


1 mile Run


3 rounds of…

12 Thrusters 65/45

9 Ring Rows

6 Burpees


200 Single-unders

Post Class:

2) Band Pull Aparts: 100 not for time

Focus on positioning not speed. Switch between over and underhand every 10 reps.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

This is a good listen…for those who “can’t” lose weight you’ve either got one of two things going on, some serious medical/thyroid issues, or in 99 out of 100 instances, you’re just not being honest with yourself about what you eat, how much you eat, and how consistently you eat well.