CVCF Project Day HERE. Open Gym will be cancelled this Sunday.

** Competitors Training Sessions HERE

*** Winter Throwdown Volunteer Sign-up HERE

**** Fall/Winter Schedule Changes/Closings HERE


1) 20 minute Up Ladder:

3 Push-ups

3 Abmat Sit-ups

3 Hang Power Cleans 65/45

After 3 reps go to 6, then 9, 12, and so on until 20 minutes is up

Extra Work:

2) Plank Work: 3 rounds

30 seconds each for the following…Bird Dog Left and Right, Front, Right, and Left Plank. Rest 1 minute.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

Sorry for the shakiness, a little something we’re going to ask of you come Monday. Thanks.