*Please be aware that the next 10 days (7/28 – 8/7) Jade, Dani, Kristi, will be gone, and Laura will be out part of this time as well. Our other coaches have graciously given up their time to help keep the gym open for all scheduled classes. However, please note the gym will be open for Classes on the schedule and only that. The gym will close up accordingly in between sessions when there are larger breaks between classes. In addition, given the light coaching staff, there will generally be just one coach on per class, please give them your undivided attention and respect so that classes can run smoothly. Thanks so much!

**Mike Molloy Nutrition Seminar Here

***All showers are good to go (although construction isn’t completely finished). Please note we are making an effort to keep our bathrooms spaces clean, if you leave your soap, shampoos, towels behind they will be disposed of.


1) 7 minute EMOTM: 40 seconds Row/Bike/Ski

Pick a sustainable, but hard effort that takes about 40 seconds.

2) 7 minute EMOTM: 50m Reverse Sled Drag

Start light. Perform this as a continuation of Part 1. Should take about 30-40 seconds.

3) 7 minute EMOTM: 50m Farmers Carry

Heavy as can be perform unbroken. Perform this as a continuation of Part 2. Should take about 30-40 seconds.

4) 10 minute AMRAP:

30 Air Squats

15 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead 25/15

10 Knees-up

Extra Work:

5) Band Pull-Aparts: 100 Reps

Switch between over and underhand every 10 reps.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE