*Programming Shift HERE

**Tuesday July 3rd Noon will be the last class of the day. One class at 9 AM on Wednesday July 4th

***Games Fundraiser HERE

****Help Us Grow Our Brand HERE


1) Every 1:30 x 14 sets:

Odd – 75m Farmers Carry

Even – 75m Reverse Sled Drag

Scale as needed. Perform the Sled Drag around 75-100% of your bodyweight. Farmers Carry as heavy as possible unbroken.

2) 10 minute AMRAP:

15 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead 35/25

15 Knees-up

Extra Work:

3) Band Pull-Aparts: 100 Reps

Switch between over and underhand every 10 reps.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Great list, arguably the easiest and most important supplement you can take.