The Open Is Coming HERE…Note for  Friday’s through 3/24 evening classes will be cancelled, however the gym will be open and any athletes not participating in the Open are more than welcome to come in and train.


1) 21 minute EMOTM:

Movement 1 – 2 Speed Deadlifts @ Lasts Week Weight + Purple Bands

Movement 2 – 5 Depth Jumps

Movement 3 – 10-20 Calorie Row

For the Deadlifts use last weeks weight + Purple Bands. Setup in the cage and perform the lifts with bands attached to pins. All 7 sets at the same weight. For the Depth Jumps step off a 20-24″ box, land and explode jumping as high as you can. Step back on the box and repeat. For the Row pick an effort you can maintain for all 7 sets.

2) 8 minute AMRAP:

50 Single-unders

20 Wall Balls 14/8

10 Deadlifts 95/65

Extra Work:

3) Turkish Get-up: 5 sets of 3/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Perform all reps on one arm before switching to the other. Heavy as possible.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE