* Monday, September 7th, Labor Day, there will be one class at 9 AM.


1) Deadlift + Box Jump Cluster: Every 3:00 for 7 sets

1 Cluster consists of 2 Touch-and-Go Deadlifts + 5 High Box Jumps + 2 Touch and Go Deadlifts. Deadlifts should be heavy. For the Box Jumps the goal is not speed, but height, step down, reset between each rep.

2) 25-20-15-10-5 – AQAP:

Wall Balls 14/8

Abmat Sit-ups

Extra Work:

3) Hip Extension: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add load if able.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Wow, I don’t even know where to start. Today marks a pretty damn awesome event. That awesome is event is the community of Champlain Valley CrossFit growing for 5 years. 5 whole years. I truly can’t believe what has grown from a handful of Dumbbells and people being dragged out to Dorest Park once a week. 5 years ago there was no CrossFit in the Burlington area (only 1 in Vermont), the CrossFit Games had just had it’s first year at the Stub Hub Center with maybe a couple of thousand people, maybe, and there were around 2,000 affiliates. Today the Games sports a multi-million dollar prize purse, there are some 13,000 affiliates, and Chittenden County has grown from no affiliates and a couple dozen athletes, to 6 affiliates and likely 1,000+ CrossFitters. In this time CVCF has developed and groomed literally some of the best athletes in the world, changed numerous peoples lives and health, and provided us all with arguably the best damn group of people someone could ask to be around on a daily basis. CVCF has given me a job, a passion for all sides of CrossFit, an amazing woman that I love dearly, and a group of people I can pretty much consider a family. Thank you all, so much! In the last 5 years, where 90% of businesses end up closing their doors, CVCF is only continuing to grow and thrive. We are continuing to change each other’s lives and mold an amazing group of people that prides itself on health, wellness, and just being damn good people. Heres to another 5 years. Cheers!
