*For Thanksgiving Week please be aware of the following schedule changes…

  • Wednesday, November 27th, 4:15, 5:30, and 6:40 PM Classes Cancelled (CVCF will close at 1:30 after the Noon Class)

  • Thursday, November 28th, ONE CLASS ONLY @ 9:00 AM

  • Friday, November 29th, 8:00 AM BURN CLASS ONLY, Open Gym from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


1a) 0:00 – 12:00 – Every 2:00 x 6 sets: 

3 Pause Back Squats +

6 Back Squats

Warm-up as needed. Start with a moderate amount of weight. Pause in the bottom for 2-3 seconds each rep for the first 3 reps, and then finish out the last 6 reps at normal tempo. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

1b) 13:00 – 21:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 10 Alternating Dead-Stop Front Rack Reverse Lunges

Alternate reps for 5 on each side. Stop in the bottom for a second or so, and then drive back-up to the top. Build as heavy as deemed fit.

2) 3 rounds AQAP:

125 Heavy Rope Single-unders

35 Air Squats

25 Russian Kettlebell Swings 35/26

Scale as needed.

Extra Work:

3) Kettlebell Windmills: 4 sets of 5/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other. Focus on position over loading.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

There is a reason why we preach full range of motion. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. If you don’t have it, are you doing mobility work to get it back?