We are still 30 sign-ups away from being able to make the Throwdown a viable event. If you’re planning to sign-up and haven’t yet, please do so. We will be cancelling the event next week if we do not get the rest of the needed sign-ups.

*Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19


1) 21 sets of – :30 seconds Work/:30 seconds Rest:

Sets 1-7 – D-Ball Bear Carry

Sets 8-14 – 12″ Box Toe-Touches

Sets 15-21 – Alternating Mountain Climbers w/Sliders

All 7 sets of each movement in a row, before moving to the next station. 

2) 8 minute AMRAP:

20 Kettlebell Swings 35/26

10 Ring Rows

Extra Work:

3) Single Arm Kettlebell Upright Row: 3 sets of 10/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Focus on position over loading.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE