*Bring a Friend – Barbell and Beer, Intro to the Deadlift…Please Sign-up Ahead of Time HERE


1) 21 minute EMOTM:

1 – 30 seconds Battle Rope

2 – 30 seconds Slam Ball Throw Over Pull-up Bar

3 – 30 seconds Dumbbell Plank Rows

Goal is to pick weights efforts that you can move the entire 30 seconds for. Rest, and then rotate to the next station.

2) 10 minute AMRAP:

200m Run

15 Wall Balls 14/8

10 Knees-up

Extra Work:

3) Farmers Carry: 400m

Heavy as possible (keep it under 10 minutes). Keep track of time and attempts to complete.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE