Move/Power/Sport: Thursday, May 13th, 2021
May 12, 2021
Move, Power, Sport
Pulling and Grip Capacity Bias Block – Week 2 of 4
1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 200m Run
Start at a slow-to-moderate pace and build each set as you get warm. By your final set you should be at a higher pace than your mile on Tuesday. As always if you’re in the gym 4-6 days/week don’t be afraid to take today as an Active Recovery day and move at a more moderate pace.
1b) 15:00 – 45:00 – 5 sets of – 5:00 ON/1:00 OFF:
50 Goblet Box Step-ups
30 Medball Russian Twists
15 Ball Slams
Max Calories Ski/Bike/Row
Scale as needed so you get to the machine each round with 30 seconds or more.
For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
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