1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – 8 minute AMRAP:

30 seconds/side Samson Stretch

10 Air Squats

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts

100m Run

Get loosened up and ready to go.

1b) 13:00 – 45:00 – AQAP:

75-50-25 Medball Squats

30-20-10 Push-ups

21-15-9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans

800m Run

Scale as needed. This workout has a total of 3 x 800m runs at the end of each round.


2) Secondary Conditioning – Trail: 45-60 minutes @ Zone 2

Get outside and get in the woods for some easy breathing.

3a) Olympic Lifting – 2 Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat – Every 1:00 x 6 sets:

1 set @ 65%

1 set @ 70%

1 set @ 75%

3 sets @ 80%

Warm-up as needed. All Snatches full Squat. Drop and reset between Snatches.

3b) Olympic Lifting – Power Clean + Clean + Jerk – Every 2:00 x 6 sets:

1 set @ 65%

1 set @ 70%

1 set @ 75%

3 sets @ 80%

Warm-up as needed. Second Clean is full Squat. Drop and reset between Cleans.

4) Gymnastics – False Grip Strict Ring Pull-ups: 5 sets of 5

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Load as heavy as deemed fit.

5) Trunk – Alternating Single Leg Toes-to-bar: 5 sets of 12

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Alternate legs between each set.

6) Posterior Accessory – Jumping Lunges: 5 sets of 20

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Focus on exploding and jumping as much as possible on each rep…make sure you are hitting full extension on every rep.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE