1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – 10 minute AMRAP:

Down Dog Hold + 10 Dynamic Calf Stretch

5 PVC Pass Through

60 seconds Ski/Bike/Row/Run

10 Lateral Lunges

10 Banded Pull Aparts

Increase the tempo on your machine/run each round to get your HR up.

1b) 15:00 – 45:00 – Every 6:00 x 5 sets:

75 Single-unders

21 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges

250m Ski or Row/500m C2 Bike/600m Assault Bike/200m Run

15 Wall Balls

250m Ski or Row/500m C2 Bike/600m Assault Bike/200m Run

9 Dumbbell Box Step-ups

For the Overhead Lunge this is just a single Dumbbell. We encourage you to switch which side you hold on from set to set. Step-ups are done with the Dumbbells in the Farmers Position.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE