Move: Tuesday, June 15th, 2021
Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 3 of 12
Micro – Trunk Emphasis – Week 3 of 4
1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up:
A – Review of Programming and Class Flow
B – Warm-up – 6 minute AMRAP:
100m Run
10 Plate Squats
10 Band Pull-Aparts
10 Seated Banded Rows
C – Movement specific review/instruction – Squat and Pistol Review
D – Athlete setup for first working set
The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class.
2a) 20:00 – 60:00 – Every 5:00 x 8 sets:
Sets 1/3/5/7 –
400m Run
10-20 Dumbbell Front Squats
10/side Single Arm Dumbbell Row
Sets 2/4/6/8 –
400m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Abmat Sit-ups
Scale as needed. Desired stimulus is that we are seeing about 1 minute of rest on each round. To perform this with a 400m Run, you will likely need to be able to maintain an 8:00 minute mile pace or faster. Scale based on where you feel you need the most work…for instance if you aren’t a good runner, and you want to get better, then the goal should be to leave the run as is and scale back the movements where you are more developed. Increase loading each round as deemed fit. If you can’t run due to injury or running flares up an old injury your subs are…500/450m Row or Ski, 1000/900m C2 Bike, 1200/1100m Assault Bike.
3) Monostructural Conditioning – Bike Erg: 30 minutes Easy
You already had a long interval piece today, use to flush your body out and get some easy, steady state aerobic work.
4) Weightlifting – Snatch Grip Pendlay Row: 5 sets of 10
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Load as deemed fit.
5) Gymnastics – Strict Pull-up: 5 sets of 5
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Load as deemed fit.
6) Accessory – Dumbbell Farmers Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 sets of 10/side
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.
7) Pre-Hab – 3-5 sets of:
10 Alternating Lateral Lunges
10/side Single Leg Reverse Hyper
20 Box Step-ups
10 Scapula Pull-ups
10 Hanging Hollow Rocks
For quality, not for time.
For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
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