Monday: 5 x 5 Back or Front Squat @ 60%

You choose the lift. If you don’t have access to a Squat rack then you’ll Front Squat for this cycle, Cleaning the bar from the floor.

Wednesday: 5 x 5 Bench Press, Floor Press or Strict Press @ 60%

Again choose a lift based on what you have access to and what you want to work on.

Friday: 5 x 5 Deadlift @ 60%

Performed as set Dead on the floor, no Touch and Go

This is a de-load week. Fit these lifts into the normal programming wherever you feel appropriated. We will be starting a step-loading program next week, focus on just 3 lifts, and our 3 class barbell lift patterns, Squat, Hinge, Press. For the programming we will be posting it like this, all at once for the week, this won’t be a full CrossFit programming structure, just a specific program for these 3 lifts that you can do in of itself, or fit in with some of the other CF work we have programmed.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE