1) Snatch: 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM

Work up as to a current 1RM. The goal is obviously a PR but if it’s not there establish a Max for the day. You may attack this in any manner you like. This can be any type of Snatch, however you can move the most load.

2) Clean and Jerk: 15-20 minutes to establish a 1RM

Work up as to a current 1RM. The goal is obviously a PR but if it’s not there establish a Max for the day. You may attack this in any manner you like. This can be any type of Clean and Jerk, however you can move the most load.

3) 9 minute AMRAP:

3 Muscle-ups

6 Squat Snatch 135/95

9 Burpees

Substitution for a Muscle-up is 6 Pull-ups and 6 Push-ups per round.

Extra Work:

3) Row: 3 x 500m

Rest 2 minutes between intervals. Hold the fastest consistent pace possible.

4) Dumbbell Farmers Carry: Tabatta 8 rounds of :20/:10 – 70/50

Cover as much distance as possible. Keep track of total distance covered. Length of the gym is 2om Wall-to-Wall

For results post Max Load for Snatch and Clean and Jerk along with Rounds and Reps completed for Met-con plus any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post times and distance.

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