1) Snatch Complex: 1 EMOTM for 10 minutes @ 70% of 1RM Squat Snatch

One Snatch Complex will consist of 1 Squat Snatch, 1 Hang Squat Snatch, 1 Snatch Balance, and 1 Overhead Squat. You will hit the first two Snatches and then lower the bar down to the back of your neck, hit a Snatch Balance, and then finish with an Overhead Squat. This is heavy technique work, meaning the weight should be difficult but not so heavy that you perform the movements in a sloppy manner and you shouldn’t be failing any reps.


A good watch and a review of the Snatch Balance

2) 15-12-9-6-3 – AQAP:

Handstand Push-ups

Power Snatch 115/75


Extra Work:

3) Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 8/side

Heavier than last week. Rest 90 second between sets.

4) Sled Drag: 400m

This should be as heavy as possible, but you should use a weight you can move for the entire time. The goal is not entirely time, do record time though. Focus on walking from heel-to-toe, using as much hamstring as possible. We care more about muscle activation than time, or even weight for that matter.


For results post weight used for Snatch Complex along with time to complete Met-con and any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weight for Bulgarian Split Squats, and time and weight for Sled Drag.

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