1) Squat Clean: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use this as an opportunity to establish a current 1RM Squat Clean. In addition to establishing a 1RM we would like to see your 6 other sets all within 80% of today’s 1RM. These must be Squat Cleans. We will establish a max Power Clean at a later date. As you get into your working sets, rest approximately 2 minutes between sets.


Note these are Power Cleans but the same ques are applicable to the Squat Clean

 2) “Elizabeth”- 21-15-9 – AQAP:

Squat Cleans 135/95

Ring Dips

Extra Work:

3) Farmers Walk: 400m

This is for time. Do this with a Kettlebell in each hand, in addition to the Kettlebells, strap a light sled to your body and drag the sled with you.

For results post weight of each Squat Clean and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling you used. If you did extra work post time and weight of Kettlebells and Sled.


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