1) Back Squat: 3 x 5 @ 75% of 1RM + Additional Load

Warm-up as needed, upon starting your working sets rest 90 seconds between sets. Add load based on the following…

Barely was able to make it through the sets…Add 0-5lbs on all sets.

Sets were difficult but was able to work through them…Add 5-10lbs on all sets.

Weight felt relatively easy to work through…Add 10-15lbs on all sets.

2) Front Squat: 3 x 5 @ 70% of 1RM + Additional Load

Warm-up as needed, upon starting your working sets rest 90 seconds between sets. Add load based on the following…

Barely was able to make it through the sets…Add 0-5lbs on all sets.

Sets were difficult but was able to work through them…Add 5-10lbs on all sets.

Weight felt relatively easy to work through…Add 10-15lbs on all sets.

3) 12 minute AMRAP:

200m Run

12 Thrusters 95/65

12 Toes-to-bar

Extra Work:

4) Defecit Handstand Push-ups: 10 minutes EMOTM

Reps should be no higher than 5, pick a depth accordingly. Use Paralettes.

5) L-Sit: Accumulate 2-3 minutes

Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-Sit Position. Use Paralettes.

6) Barbell Hip Thrusts: 4 x 6

Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

For results post weight of each set of Squats and Rounds plus Reps completed for Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post reps, weights, times, etc.

Post Results/Thoughts To Comments

From Dani…

About 4 weeks ago, I was on my fourth hour of training and nearing the end of an 84-minute workout.  While running, I contemplated why I do CrossFit? Crossfit challenges me. It pushes me to be a better person with my family, my friends and at work.  CrossFit makes me want more out of life showing me that I am capable of achieving anything.  I don’t want to be average. I want to achieve something greater.  I always want to keep learning and growing. I am driven to push past the pain and to attain a goal, a personal best.  That is why I CrossFit.


After the games last year, we were sitting in the stands watching the final event and I told Jade I would be back here next year competing as an individual.  We got home, took a week off and then started training for the 2013 Crossfit Games.  It hasn’t been easy. Since last August I’ve trained 5 days a week, anywhere from 3-5 hours a day.  I’ve given up any form of a social life, taken extreme care of my body, focused on my nutrition and watched endless videos to absorb any and all aspects of CrossFit. I am driven to train hard, but it’s all of you that inspire me. 


Yes, much of my motivation comes from each and every one of you. Your endless support and encouraging words compel me to train harder.  Since last August, almost every gym member has helped motivate me to train.  I’m not sure why I say “member,” you’re all family to me. 


After NE Regionals, it was a struggle for me to continue the training.  I was honestly tired and a little burnt out.  It took me a few weeks to get back into the routine. During those few weeks, many of you offered such encouraging words.  I can’t thank you enough. It really helped push me through.   I’ve asked quite a few of you to join me for part of my workouts here and there. You kept me going – you cheered me on. One time the entire 9:00am class stayed after and did a workout with me!  After Regionals when Jade would program a ridiculous Saturday WOD for me, I would post it up for anyone to join me.  Thank you for all joining me through the craziness. It means so much to me. 


This community that we have built at Champlain Valley CrossFit is one that can’t be duplicated. We are all family here.  I feel blessed to be a part of this community and see you all grow as athletes.  You all are amazing.  When I was in the middle of a WOD at the games and I wanted to stop, I thought of you all.  I thought about the community I have back home who is cheering me on, screaming into their computer screens!  Thank you for your confidence in me. It has made all the difference.

