Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, January 28th, 2013
1) Squat Snatch: 6 x 1 @ 80% of 1RM
Warm-up as needed. Rest 60-90 seconds between lifts.
2) Clean and Jerk: 6 x 1 @ 80% of 1RM
Warm-up as needed. Rest 60-90 seconds between lifts.
3) For Max Reps:
3 minute AMRAP:
10 Power Cleans 225/155
Max Burpees
Rest 90 seconds
3 minute AMRAP:
10 Power Cleans 225/155
Max Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 90 seconds
3 minute AMRAP:
10 Power Cleans 225/155
Max Burpee Over Box 24/20
Rest 90 seconds
Extra Work:
4) Weighted Pull-up: 5 x 5
Rest 90 seconds between sets. Each set as heavy as possible.
5) Weighted Hip Extension: 3 x 10
Rest 90 seconds between sets. Each set as heavy as possible.
For results post weight of all Olympic Work along with reps completed in Met-con along with any scaling used. For extra work post weights used for movements.
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