1) Bear Complex: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

1 Bear Complex consists of 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 1 Back Squat, 1 Behind-the-Neck Jerk. If you’ve never done these before start with a reasonable weight, bringing the bar back down to your next can be tricky, but the goal is to go as heavy as possible.

2) AQAP:

100 Burpees


Anyone cracking this :-)…an important thing to remember is that this workout is completely mental, it is physically demanding, but your time is completely dictated by your will and mental fortitude.

Extra Work:

3) Run: 3 x 1 mile

Rest 3 minutes between runs. Each run should be a max effort.

For results post weight of each Bear Complex and time to complete Met-con. If you did Extra Work post time of each run.

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