1) 3 rounds AQAP:

800m Run

30 Box Jumps 24/20

20 Deadlifts 315/205

10 Muscle-ups

Rest 5 minutes

If the weather is still nasty in the morning we will change this to a Rowing based workout. It will be changed to 1 round every 15 minutes for 3 rounds, we will starts rowers every 5 minutes which will allow us to accommodate up to 30 people. With that being said please come prepared to RUN.

Extra Work:

2) Reverse Hyper: 3 x 20

Rest 90 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

3) Toes-through-Rings: 75 for time

Keep track of total time and total sets to complete

For results post time to complete each individual round along with total time elapsed time including rest, post any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weights, time, etc.

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