1) “2012 Regionals WOD #4” – AQAP:

50 Back Squats 135/95

40 Pull-ups

30 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95

50 Front Squats 85/65

40 Pull-ups

30 Shoulder-to-Overhead 85/65

50 Overhead Squats 65/45

40 Pull-ups

30 Shoulder-to-Overhead 65/45

Last year’s team workout

Extra Work:

3) Reverse Hyper: 3 x 25

Heavy as possible. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

4) Row: 4 x 500m

Rest 3 minutes between intervals. Holdest fastest consistent pace.

For results post time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post weights, times, etc.

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